Mistake #3 and #4 That Will Kill Your Real Estate Investing Business



Get a Website Today

Below are notes from this video:

Living In the 20th Century

No Online Presence

Have you said any of these things?:

  • “I’m not tech savvy.”
  • “I’m old school.”
  • “It’s too expensive.”

“I’m Not Tech Savvy.”

  • You don’t have to be.
  • Many sites today are simple to manage – like using e-mail.
  • Get a VA, friend or family member to help you.

The websites we offer are simple to use and include tutorial videos to help you.

When you order, your site is set up instantly and is ready to use.

“I’m Old School.”

  • That’s fine, but not everyone else is.
  • Many people expect you to have a website.
  • Many people prefer to visit a website rather than make a phone call.
  • A website is a low pressure – people can get information comfortably.
  • A website works for you 24/7.

“It’s Too Expensive.”

  • There are lots of affordable options now.
  • Price is not a reason not to have a website.
  • If the options you’ve seen are not in your budget, you haven’t looked around enough.

The websites we offer are very affordable, so that just about anyone can have one.  Price is no longer a barrier to having a website.

Get a Website Today

Did you miss the first 2 mistakes investors make? Watch here.